Kamis, 29 Oktober 2009


This world is not a quiet and serene. We are all vulnerable to natural threats, both from outside and from within. Meteors and asteroids for example, only a small part that might be a threat to the earth from outer space. The seemingly solid earth, the interior has a core of molten elements. Of course not excessive when the invisible part of the eye is called "core burning". There is also the atmosphere surrounding the earth, which is a "shield" against external threats. However, none of the earth is immune to the effects of atmospheric forces such as rain storms or hurricanes.

Hotel Bumi Minang (Padang) damage in the earthquake West of Sumatera, 30-09-2009.(Foto : Koleksi)

Most Various natural disasters can strike at any time, causing loss of property and lives. Earthquakes, lightning, floods, forest fires, acid rain, and tidal waves, commonly called the disaster "natural", has the intensity and consequences vary. The similarity of all these disasters is that they are able to instantly create a city, following its inhabitants, in ruins alone important, o human being has the power to resist or prevent this natural disaster.

The fire is lit by a burning house in the dry cliffs above Laguna Beach, California, triggering fires the worst city in the year 1993. Fire burn about 14,000 acres (6500 ha kl.) and as many as 441 homes. Mystic Hills neighborhood suffered the biggest losses, with 286 homes to distroyed.Each occurrence is part of the complex background. Furthermore, there is no natural phenomenon that occurs without a cause; all have a scientific explanation. For example, the earth's gravitational force makes us not drift into the sky; rain fell during the water vapor reaches a certain saturation level.

This causal relationship is also true for the death, accident or illness. Many things that cause why a man to death, illness, or accident. However, the most important thing is not many causes, but "survival test" system in which cause and effect takes place. One special aspect is important in this system: every event occurs in a way that humans can understand. God warned the people through natural disasters. Earthquakes, for example, causing thousands of women and children died, and many more wounded. Those who ignored the warnings of God tends to call something like this as the phenomenon of "nature" and unable to understand that God created for a particular purpose. Let us think for a moment: what would happen if the dead from an earthquake are those who sinned against God? If so, the appropriate basis for the "test" for mankind will not be straight. That is why God created each one with a background phenomenon "nature". Only those who are aware of the existence of God and have a deep understanding of creation is understood Him divine reason behind the display "nature" is.

In the verse "Every soul shall taste death; We will try you with evil and good as a trial (which in truth). Allaah says (which in truth). And just for you We are back" (Surat al-Anbiya ', 21: 35), Allaah says that He might try a good man through the events of good and bad.

The number of people who became victims of the disaster was an enigma that exam. Humans must always remember that God is omniscient and the judge "given the decision of the servants of God with justice." (Surat az-Zumar, 39: 75). All the events that happened to someone in his life is part of the test. Those who truly believe will understand the essence of the puzzle. Whenever calamity befell them, they turned to God and repent. They are the servants of God and believe His promise.

And certainly, We shall test you with something of fear, hunger, lack of wealth and lives, and fruits. And give glad tidings to those who wait, (that) the people who, when afflicted with calamity, they say, "Inna lillaahi wa innaa ilaihi raaji'uun". They can get a perfect blessings and mercy from their Lord, and they are the ones who receive guidance. (Surat al-Baqarah 2: 155-157).

As mentioned in the verse, those who believe and those who believe not tested in various ways: sometimes by natural disaster, or something that happens in everyday life we are, stricken with illness or accident. Such disasters occur in individual or group of people, and causing material damage and mental suffering. It could be a rich man becomes bankrupt, a pretty girl suffered severe injuries on his face, or a city devastated by an earthquake. This shows how each event can change our lives.

Humans must be able to take lessons from these events. Indeed, God did not create anything without a purpose; every disaster is a warning to mankind, in order to save mankind from their dissent. In the Qur'an, Allah says that nothing happened on this earth without his permission:
There is no calamity was something that happened to someone unless with the permission of Allaah, and whosoever believes in Allah, He will give instructions to his heart. And Allaah is Aware of all things. (Surat At-Taghaabun, 64: 11)

Animate something that will not die but with the permission of Allaah, as the provisions that have been determined time. He who wants the reward of the world, We shall give him the reward of the world, and if any do desire a reward Hereafter, We give (others) to reward hereafter. And we will reward those who are grateful. (Surat Ali 'Imran, 3: 145).

Another lesson to be drawn from natural disasters is that the man who thinks he has power on earth, realizing that he was really weak and really did not have the strength to cope with the disaster in an instant by the will of God. Human beings can not help himself or anybody else. Of course, Allaah the Almighty. This is stated in the following verse. If God afflict some harm to you, then nothing but remove it himself. And if He brings good to you, then He is Mastering over everything. (Surat An'am, 6: 17).

In this chapter, will be given a thorough explanation of the various kinds of disasters that affect the earth. The aim is to remind people that this world is not the place to be loved blindly. Natural disasters shows how much we desperately need guidance and help of God. This dependence is clear evidence that human helplessness in the face of God, as revealed in the verse: "and once you Nor-time protector and helper besides Allaah." (Surat Al 'Ankabut, 29: 22).


An earthquake is a natural force on earth the most devastating. Largest number of deaths occurred during an earthquake. The study revealed that every two minutes somewhere in the earth's surface through cracks. Based on statistics, earth quakes millions of times a year. On average, the number of millions, the intensity of earthquakes belonging to 300 thousand minor earthquake; tremor was felt and no damage at all. Meanwhile, the other twenty earthquake is a very powerful quake which shook the earth. However, because often times do not occur in a densely populated area, an earthquake of this type do not take many lives and caused only a small economic loss. Of these earthquakes, which destroyed five buildings into piles of rubble.

This information shows that humans do not often deal with earthquakes. Clearly, this is a special protection from God for human beings to natural hazards. In our time, just a city or an area that became victims of earthquake. However, with the will of God, an earthquake which damaged the whole earth could happen at any time. This powerful shocks capable of ending life on earth. Earth structure is very vulnerable to earthquakes; movement or cracks that suddenly occur in the earth's crust or the layers above it will lead to catastrophe inevitable.

The earthquake did not have a relationship with soil type strengthen the effect of seismic waves through it. Earthquakes still may occur even when no natural conditions cause an earthquake. The will of God, an earthquake can happen anytime. However, God created the lack of special powered and instability in some parts of the earth. This is to remind people that, at any time, unexpected events can make their lives in danger. In the Qur'an, Allaah warns people in the disaster that may occur.

So if the people who do evil plot that feels secure (from disaster) to explosive earth by God with them, or come upon them from where they were not aware of? (Surat an-Nahl: 45).
At this point, it's useful to remember a massive earthquake, which occurred in the 20th century.

The earthquake that shook the earth in just a few seconds it can occur repeatedly for hours, even days. This of course is easy for Allaah. However, with his grace, God protect humans and the disasters he was forever reminded that he did not have any power in his life.

The technology Defeated: Kobe

The level of scientific and technological advances today make people feel that they can control nature. However, those who believe this kind of thinking may be right to feel disappointed. Technology is a tool provided by God to serve man and fully in his power. Various incidents show that even the most sophisticated technology can not control nature.

For example, although there are "defeated technology" developed by Japanese scientists, Kobe remain a victim of the widespread damage caused by shock 20 seconds during the earthquake in 1995. Defeated strongest structures built to withstand shock it just collapsed in an earthquake measuring 6.9 on the Richter scale. For three decades earlier, the Japanese government has 40 trillion dollars invested in academic research to develop a warning system for earthquakes. However, all these efforts did not bring conclusive results. Getting closer to the turn of the millennium, scientists are still not able to assemble the warning systems that can reduce the destructive impact of seismic events are dangerous. Kobe is a recent example, among many others, which shows how vulnerable a modern industrial city of unexpected patterns of earthquake attack.

Kobe, the second most densely populated industrial cities in Japan and the largest port after Tokyo. At 5:46 am on January 17, 1995, a series of shock for twenty seconds causing terrible damage. Only twenty seconds, and distroyed everything that people have to work hard all his life. Public reassured that modern technology was developed to predict big earthquake will save them from total destruction. However, after the Kobe disaster reduced to a pile of rubble, it is clear that there is no technology to warn the public against these dangers. Also clear that the so-called "defeated structure" does not have any resistance to the earthquake was 15 miles episentrum southwest of downtown Kobe.

Areas affected by the earthquake, including dense cities, Kobe and Osaka. Because that's happened is terrible devastation, killing 5200 people and injuring another 300,000. Total losses estimated at 200 billion dollars.

In February 1988, Florida hurricane strike, causing great destruction. Typhoons destroy buildings and tossing cars into the building. (on the side and below) Cars and household items were scattered because of the typhoon.

Of course there are lessons to be drawn from such disasters. City dwellers, who used to live happy, suddenly confronted with many difficulties after the disaster. In a state of shock, they can not predict what will be done with their lives, let alone make plans for the future.
(From : www.harunyahya.com)

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